Tunda Dengan Saya! | Ayo Membuat Stiker DIY ️ (tidak perlu kertas stiker atau printer)

Haruskah saya menulis sekarang? Ya. Apakah saya akan membuat stiker saja? Sangat banyak ya. Kunjungi untuk mendapatkan uji coba gratis + diskon 10% untuk pembelian pertama situs web atau domain Anda. Daftar untuk buletin saya: Perlengkapan: – kertas putih biasa (kertas printer berfungsi!) – pensil/pena, apa pun yang ingin Anda gambar — Saya menggunakan Uniball Signo Impact 207 untuk menguraikan gambar sehingga memiliki batas hitam tebal – membuatnya terlihat lebih lengket. – spidol/pensil warna, apa pun yang ingin Anda warnai – gunting – Pita pengepakan/pengiriman JELAS – selotip dua sisi (google merek Xfasten) JIKA ANDA MENYUKAINYA, MAKA ANDA AKAN MENYUKAI INI: Penundaan BURUK: 3 Alasan Untuk Selesaikan Hal Sialan, Draw With Me! Flaming Hot Cheetos Bosan? MARI MEMBUAT Kue Cokelat Chip! ! ··········································································································································································································································································································· ····································································································································································································· sampai jumpa di internet di suatu tempat: ↳ produksi: kamera: Macbook Pro web cam + Canon t2i w/ Sigma 30mm 1.4 lensa audio: H1n + lav mic pengeditan: Adobe Premiere thumbnail/grafik: Photoshop teks tertutup: Bianca Brown musik: Perpustakaan Audio YouTube dan Suara Epidemi * *= ini adalah tautan afiliasi. Itu berarti jika Anda mengkliknya dan melakukan pembelian, gadis itu mendapat sedikit sesuatu untuk menginformasikan pembelian Anda. …Uang. Sesuatu yang kecil adalah uang. FTC: Video ini disponsori oleh Squarespace. Saya telah menjadi pelanggan yang membayar selama bertahun-tahun! .
Evelyn, I just stumbled upon you while procrastinating about… Something.., I don’t remember or care..,All I know is I love you !!💕 One minute in, and you’ve got a fan for life.. Much Love & Light to you!
The fact that you had to take the Uni-Ball white gel pen and scribble on your hand just to get working… hits home.. ugghhh
definitely giving etsy!
merch idea : stickers.
Chick you are super talented. I started sculpting
I love this! I did this with my middle school students in advisory and we used the back of scrap paper to make them. Such a good way to recycle and a really fun relaxing activity!
This is my first time watching you and i ABSOLUTELY LOOOVED IT!! Subscribed right away!💖💖
I love this so much!!!!
You're a genius. Wow.
You did that! These are soooo cute 🌞✨🌈
I made stickers yesterday. They turned out marvelous 😜💯💥
You go girllllll!!!!!!!
Your stickers are so cute!!!!
+ the whole mood of this vid is soooo soothing. ty
Tip: You can also use multiple pieces of tape for bigger drawings. So all stickers don't have to miniature.
Wild product placement
Ok but this is an awesome date idea tho
We dnt have time for perfection the world is burning shud be a shirt 😂😂😂 I would buy one
Such a good illustrator!
As a sticker lover..I greatly APPRECIATED this video 💕
I'mma keep it two Virgils… you the best!
I remember watching your videos a loooong time ago and then I lost you over the years, but in 2020, your videos (older ones esp.) have been my go-to. ♥
And this one! Baby! Yes, ma'am… 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
How did you know? HOW DID YOU KNOW?
i wanna do this with my kids!
THANK YOU! You have literally given us the real with this video because wheeewww chile! I love that I can reference your videos for the days that I'm driven and for the days when I'm barely living. C'mon catalog! Look at the material!
This is the most soothing thing I have seen in my entire life
But I needed this energy this morning, love Evelyn !
Love your illustration style 💖 these are too cute
I had a really rough time the week this came out, and when I say I saw this and then spent the next 6 hours making stickers I mean it. Thanks Evelyn!