SPEEDPAINT | Desain Stiker September | Virgo

Selesai dua minggu terlambat menjadikan desain ini yang paling tidak Virgo! Ups!! Ingin kucing ini dan lebih banyak lagi dikirimkan kepada Anda di akhir bulan? Bergabunglah dengan Klub Stiker paling lambat 30 September untuk mendapatkannya!! ✨ ✨ _________________________________________________________ Program + tablet yang digunakan: Photoshop CC, Cintiq 22HD Direkam dengan: XSplit Broadcaster Music: We Are One oleh Vexento Musik dipromosikan oleh Audio Library _________________________________________________________ Di mana menemukan saya: Twitter: @beffalumps Instagram: @beffalumps Portofolio: Tumblr: dA : Etsy: Patreon: .
Well, I need this now…
Omg Virgo is my zodiac and this is just the most wholesome and perfect representation I’ve seen of it I love this so much omg amazing job
Fun fact;
My birthday was the day this video was released
It was also released on the 4th anniversary of the rpg Undertale by toby fox, originally released on september 15th, 2015
I’m a Virgo but my birthday is in August 😰
Can't wait till Sagittarius 👀
your art style is so beautiful.
My Birthday was on September 15 cool
When you're broke and can't join the patreon and get your birth month sticker
OH WOW!!!!
So excited for next months too! That ones mine
WHOA this is amazing!! I am a Virgo by the way.
I'm a virgo my DAY OF BIRTH is in four days, so bacicly sep 19:D.
Wow it’s so cool how you interpreted the constellation that way!
Man now I want my birthday in September